Main.elm 2.0 KB

  1. module Collatz exposing (..)
  2. import Html exposing (..)
  3. import Html.Events exposing (..)
  4. import Html.Attributes exposing (id, class, style)
  5. import Hex
  6. type alias Model =
  7. {
  8. }
  9. initModel : Model
  10. initModel =
  11. {
  12. }
  13. type Msg
  14. = NoOp
  15. box : Int -> List Int -> Html Msg
  16. box n p =
  17. let
  18. truval = List.length p
  19. val = round (atan (toFloat truval) * 2670177)
  20. code = "#" ++ (String.padLeft 6 '0' (Hex.toString val))
  21. fore =
  22. if truval < 127 then
  23. "#ffffff"
  24. else
  25. "#000000"
  26. in
  27. div
  28. [ class "box"
  29. , style
  30. [ ("background-color", code)
  31. , ("color", fore)
  32. ]
  33. ]
  34. [ text (toString n) ]
  35. collatzSteps : Int -> Int
  36. collatzSteps n =
  37. let
  38. inner (n, c) =
  39. case n of
  40. 1 ->
  41. (n, c)
  42. _ ->
  43. if (rem n 2) == 0 then
  44. inner ((n // 2), (c + 1))
  45. else
  46. inner ((n * 3 + 1), (c + 1))
  47. (one, steps) = inner (n, 0)
  48. in
  49. steps
  50. collatzPath : Int -> List Int
  51. collatzPath n =
  52. let
  53. helper n p =
  54. case n of
  55. 1 ->
  56. (n :: p)
  57. _ ->
  58. if (rem n 2) == 0 then
  59. helper (n // 2) (n :: p)
  60. else
  61. helper (n * 3 + 1) (n :: p)
  62. in
  63. helper n []
  64. view : Model -> Html Msg
  65. view model =
  66. div
  67. []
  68. <|
  69. (\n -> (box n (collatzPath n))) (List.range 1 777)
  70. update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
  71. update msg model =
  72. ( model, Cmd.none )
  73. --subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
  74. --subscriptions model =
  75. -- Sub.batch
  76. -- [
  77. -- ]
  78. main =
  79. Html.program
  80. { init = (initModel, Cmd.none)
  81. , view = view
  82. , update = update
  83. , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
  84. }