# lineup A visual schedule builder for kids. TODO: - name the schedule/track - save state (preserve across refresh) - need server - use localstorage ?? - (saveable) preset schedules (in edit menu) - (optional) multiple simultaneous schedules (ex: one for each kid, or general vs specific) - (optional) split decision tracks (conditions) - (saveable) make-your-own tasks - incorporate an internet search in the editor? - crowdsource images?? library (each category has a representative picture/task, as does each sub-item): - bedtime routine - bath - shower - brush hair - pyjamas - brush teeth - read book (repeat of reading in activities) - scriptures - pray - cuddle/snuggle - sleep - potty - sit - flush - wash hands - accident - eating - food (generic food with fork) - bite (eg: three more bites) - soup (generic food with spoon) - water/juice (generic food in cup) - sandwich - medicine - rewards - ice cream cone - play/activities - typing - drawing/colouring - reading - writing - video/TV/movie - clean up - cleaning - listen to music - make music (ie: instrument) - cars/trucks/etc - sing - dance - swing - story - jumping - tickling/wrestling - haircut - look at pictures - take picture - activity is done - places - park - library - school - backpack (ie: prepare) - lunch box (ie: prepare) - lesson - church - Primary - nursery - doctor/hospital - travel - car - walk - bus - bike - wagon - sled - train - airplane - come home - getting dressed - underpants - diaper - pants - shirt - socks - shoes - boots - coat - hat - snowpants - take off clothes - put clothes in laundry - put away shoes - hang up coat - generic/misc - letters - numbers - clock (ie: waiting) - no - yes