Main.elm 890 B

  1. module $Foldername exposing (..)
  2. import Html exposing (..)
  3. import Html.Events exposing (..)
  4. import Html.Attributes exposing (id, class)
  5. type alias Model =
  6. {
  7. }
  8. initModel : Model
  9. initModel =
  10. {
  11. }
  12. type Msg
  13. = NoOp
  14. view : Model -> Html Msg
  15. view model =
  16. div
  17. []
  18. [ text "$Foldername" ]
  19. update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
  20. update msg model =
  21. ( model, Cmd.none )
  22. -- to use ports, add "port" in front of the module definition
  23. --port elmToJs : (List String) -> Cmd msg
  24. --port jsToElm : (List String -> msg) -> Sub msg
  25. --subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
  26. --subscriptions model =
  27. -- Sub.batch
  28. -- [ jsToElm External
  29. -- ]
  30. main =
  31. Html.program
  32. { init = (initModel, Cmd.none)
  33. , view = view
  34. , update = update
  35. --, subscriptions = subscriptions
  36. , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
  37. }