1.3 KB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. script_folder=`dirname $0`
  3. foldername="$1"
  4. echo "maker folder $maker_folder"
  5. echo "folder name $foldername"
  6. create-react-app $foldername
  7. cd $foldername
  8. # add packages
  9. yarn add react-bootstrap \
  10. redux react-redux \
  11. react-router react-router-dom react-router-redux@next \
  12. rxjs redux-observable
  13. #TODO: integrate react-router routes
  14. #TODO: integrate react-router-bootstrap
  15. # add to .gitignore
  16. echo "" >> .gitignore
  17. echo "*.swp" >> .gitignore
  18. # add to package.json
  19. sed -i 's/"private": true/"private": true,\n "author": "Brandon Wong <> (https:\/\/\/)"/g' package.json
  20. # add to index.html
  21. sed -i 's_ </head>_\n <!-- Bootstrap CSS -->\n <link rel="stylesheet" href="">\n <!-- Optional Bootstrap theme -->\n <link rel="stylesheet" href="">\n </head>_' public/index.html
  22. # copy files
  23. cp $script_folder/epics.js $script_folder/index.js $script_folder/reducers.js $script_folder/store.js src/
  24. # initialize git
  25. git init .