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added handling for cell ranges

Brandon Wong 3 years ago
1 changed files with 63 additions and 21 deletions
  1. 63 21

+ 63 - 21

@@ -35,11 +35,40 @@
 (def col-letters (iterate next-letter "A"))
 (def col-letters (iterate next-letter "A"))
-(defn get-datum [data c r]
-  (some #(if (and (= c (:col %)) (= r (:row %))) %) data))
+(defn order-two-cols
+  "Accepts two column names (letters) and returns them in order."
+  [col1 col2]
+  (cond
+    (> (.-length col1) (.-length col2)) [col2 col1]
+    (> (.-length col2) (.-length col1)) [col1 col2]
+    (= (max col1 col2) col1) [col2 col1]
+    :else [col1 col2]))
+; the order goes top to bottom, then left to right - that makes the most sense to me
+; I don't know why a different order would be important, or even in what situation order is important at all
+(def parse-range
+  "Converts a range in \"A1:B2\" notation to a comma-separated list of cells: \"A1,A2,B1,B2\"."
+  (memoize (fn [range-string]
+             (let [col1 (second (re-find #"\(\s*([A-Z]+)" range-string))
+                   col2 (second (re-find #":\s*([A-Z]+)" range-string))
+                   row1 (.parseInt js/window (second (re-find #"([0-9]+)\s*:" range-string)))
+                   row2 (.parseInt js/window (second (re-find #"([0-9]+)\s*\)" range-string)))
+                   [start-col end-col] (order-two-cols col1 col2)
+                   start-row (min row1 row2)
+                   end-row (max row1 row2)]
+               (str "(" (clojure.string/join "," (for [col (take-while #(not= (next-letter end-col) %) (iterate next-letter start-col))
+                                                       row (range start-row (inc end-row))]
+                                                  (str col row))) ")")))))
+(def replace-ranges-in-expression
+  "Receives an expression string, and replaces all ranges in colon notation (\"A1:B2\") into a comma-separated list of cells (\"A1,A2,B1,B2\")."
+  (memoize (fn [expression]
+             (clojure.string/replace expression #"\(\s*[A-Z]+[0-9]+\s*:\s*[A-Z]+[0-9]+\s*\)" parse-range))))
 (def parse-variables (memoize (fn [expression]
 (def parse-variables (memoize (fn [expression]
-                                (as-> (js->clj (.parse mathjs expression)) $
+                                (as-> (js->clj (.parse mathjs (replace-ranges-in-expression expression))) $
                                   (.filter $ #(true? (.-isSymbolNode %)))
                                   (.filter $ #(true? (.-isSymbolNode %)))
                                   (map #(.-name %) $)
                                   (map #(.-name %) $)
                                   (map #(.toUpperCase %) $)
                                   (map #(.toUpperCase %) $)
@@ -50,26 +79,17 @@
                               r (.parseInt js/window (re-find #"[0-9]+$" s))]
                               r (.parseInt js/window (re-find #"[0-9]+$" s))]
                           {:row r :col c}))))
                           {:row r :col c}))))
-(defn add-parsed-variables [datum]
-  (if (= (first (:value datum)) "=")
-    (let [vars (parse-variables (subs (:value datum) 1))
-          refs (map str->rc vars)]
-      (-> datum (assoc :vars vars) (assoc :refs refs) (dissoc :error)))
-    (-> datum (dissoc :vars) (dissoc :refs) (dissoc :display) (dissoc :error))))
 ; leave in the :inbound references, since they probably have not have changed
 ; leave in the :inbound references, since they probably have not have changed
 (defn add-references
 (defn add-references
-  "Parses the expression in the value of a datum, and adds vars and refs as necessary"
+  "Parses the expression in the value of a datum, and adds refs as necessary"
   (if (= (first (:value datum)) "=")
   (if (= (first (:value datum)) "=")
     (let [vars (parse-variables (subs (:value datum) 1))
     (let [vars (parse-variables (subs (:value datum) 1))
           refs (map str->rc vars)]
           refs (map str->rc vars)]
       (-> datum
       (-> datum
-          (assoc :vars vars)
           (assoc :refs refs)
           (assoc :refs refs)
           (dissoc :error)))
           (dissoc :error)))
     (-> datum
     (-> datum
-        (dissoc :vars)
         (dissoc :refs)
         (dissoc :refs)
         (dissoc :display)
         (dissoc :display)
         (dissoc :error))))
         (dissoc :error))))
@@ -177,15 +197,37 @@
           (denotify-references {:col c :row r} (:refs datum))
           (denotify-references {:col c :row r} (:refs datum))
           (notify-references {:col c :row r} (:refs parsed))))))
           (notify-references {:col c :row r} (:refs parsed))))))
+(defn remove-valueless-range-elements
+  "Remove nil values specifically from ranges (to solve issues with some functions like average)."
+  [variables var-list]
+  (println "remove-valueless-range-elements" variables var-list (first var-list))
+  (let [l (clojure.string/split (clojure.string/replace (first var-list) #"[()]" "") #",")
+        has-values (filter #(not (nil? (variables %))) l)]
+    (str "(" (clojure.string/join "," has-values) ")")))
+(defn preprocess-expression
+  "Handle range cases, rename certain functions (to work with math.js), prepare expression and variables for processing."
+  [expression variables]
+  (let [renamed-expression (clojure.string/replace expression #"\baverage\(" "mean(")
+        new-expression (clojure.string/replace renamed-expression #"\(([A-Z]+[0-9]+,)*[A-Z]+[0-9]+\)" (partial remove-valueless-range-elements variables))
+        new-variables (reduce-kv #(assoc %1 %2 (if (nil? %3) "0" %3)) {} variables)]
+    (println "PREPROCESS" {:expression new-expression :variables new-variables})
+    {:expression new-expression
+     :variables new-variables}))
 (def evaluate-expression
 (def evaluate-expression
   "Convert (via mathjs) an expression string to a final answer (also a string).  A map of variables must also be provided. If there is an error, it will return :calc-error."
   "Convert (via mathjs) an expression string to a final answer (also a string).  A map of variables must also be provided. If there is an error, it will return :calc-error."
   (memoize (fn [expression variables]
   (memoize (fn [expression variables]
-             (try
-               (.evaluate mathjs expression (clj->js variables))
-               (catch js/Error e
-                 (println "mathjs evaluation error" (.-message e) e)
-                 :calc-error)))))
+             (let [range-replaced (replace-ranges-in-expression expression)
+                   {ready-expression :expression ready-variables :variables} (preprocess-expression range-replaced variables)]
+               (try
+                 (.evaluate mathjs ready-expression (clj->js ready-variables))
+                 (catch js/Error e
+                   (println "mathjs evaluation error" (.-message e) e)
+                   :calc-error))))))
 ;TODO: deal with lowercase cell references
 ;TODO: deal with lowercase cell references
@@ -213,11 +255,11 @@
         value (:value datum)
         value (:value datum)
         formula? (= (first value) "=")
         formula? (= (first value) "=")
         resolved-refs (map #(merge % (get-in data [(:col %) (:row %)])) refs)
         resolved-refs (map #(merge % (get-in data [(:col %) (:row %)])) refs)
-        evaluated-refs (map #(if (= (first (:value %)) "=") (:display %) (:value % "0")) resolved-refs)
+        evaluated-refs (map #(if (= (first (:value %)) "=") (:display %) (:value %)) resolved-refs)
         invalid-refs (some nil? resolved-refs)
         invalid-refs (some nil? resolved-refs)
         dirty-refs (some :dirty resolved-refs)
         dirty-refs (some :dirty resolved-refs)
         error-refs (some #(= (:display %) :error) resolved-refs)
         error-refs (some #(= (:display %) :error) resolved-refs)
-        unevaluated-refs (some nil? evaluated-refs)
+        ;unevaluated-refs (some nil? evaluated-refs)
         cycle-refs (some #(= (:display %) :cycle-error) resolved-refs)
         cycle-refs (some #(= (:display %) :cycle-error) resolved-refs)
         disqualified? (or invalid-refs dirty-refs error-refs)]
         disqualified? (or invalid-refs dirty-refs error-refs)]
@@ -225,7 +267,7 @@
       cycle-refs (-> data                           ; if one of its references has a reference cycle, then this one is "poisoned" as well
       cycle-refs (-> data                           ; if one of its references has a reference cycle, then this one is "poisoned" as well
                      (assoc-in [c r] datum)
                      (assoc-in [c r] datum)
                      (assoc-in [c r :display] :cycle-error))
                      (assoc-in [c r :display] :cycle-error))
-      unevaluated-refs (assoc-in data [c r :display] :insufficient-data) ; do not un-mark as "dirty", since it has not been evaluated yet
+      ;unevaluated-refs (assoc-in data [c r :display] :insufficient-data) ; do not un-mark as "dirty", since it has not been evaluated yet
       disqualified? (-> data                        ; some other error is present
       disqualified? (-> data                        ; some other error is present
                         (assoc-in [c r] datum)
                         (assoc-in [c r] datum)
                         (assoc-in [c r :display] :error))
                         (assoc-in [c r :display] :error))