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added a README file

Brandon Wong 3 years ago
4 changed files with 64 additions and 54 deletions
  1. 44 0
  2. 20 13
  3. 0 41
  4. BIN

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 44 - 0

+ 20 - 13

@@ -66,6 +66,12 @@
   (memoize (fn [expression]
   (memoize (fn [expression]
              (clojure.string/replace expression #"\(\s*[A-Z]+[0-9]+\s*:\s*[A-Z]+[0-9]+\s*\)" parse-range))))
              (clojure.string/replace expression #"\(\s*[A-Z]+[0-9]+\s*:\s*[A-Z]+[0-9]+\s*\)" parse-range))))
+(defn formula?
+  "Determines if a value is a fomula. If it is, it returns it (without the leading equals sign. If not, it returns nil."
+  [value]
+  (if (= (first value) "=")
+    (subs value 1)
+    nil))
 (def parse-variables (memoize (fn [expression]
 (def parse-variables (memoize (fn [expression]
                                 (as-> (js->clj (.parse mathjs (replace-ranges-in-expression expression))) $
                                 (as-> (js->clj (.parse mathjs (replace-ranges-in-expression expression))) $
@@ -83,16 +89,17 @@
 (defn add-references
 (defn add-references
   "Parses the expression in the value of a datum, and adds refs as necessary"
   "Parses the expression in the value of a datum, and adds refs as necessary"
-  (if (= (first (:value datum)) "=")
-    (let [vars (parse-variables (subs (:value datum) 1))
-          refs (map str->rc vars)]
+  (let [formula (formula? (:value datum))]
+    (if formula
+      (let [vars (parse-variables formula)
+            refs (map str->rc vars)]
+        (-> datum
+            (assoc :refs refs)
+            (dissoc :error)))
       (-> datum
       (-> datum
-          (assoc :refs refs)
-          (dissoc :error)))
-    (-> datum
-        (dissoc :refs)
-        (dissoc :display)
-        (dissoc :error))))
+          (dissoc :refs)
+          (dissoc :display)
+          (dissoc :error)))))
 ; the references in the data are a set of disconnected, doubly-linked trees
 ; the references in the data are a set of disconnected, doubly-linked trees
 ;TODO: rather than denotify all, then re-notify all, maybe use a diff? maybe on small scales it's not worth it?
 ;TODO: rather than denotify all, then re-notify all, maybe use a diff? maybe on small scales it's not worth it?
@@ -150,7 +157,7 @@
   "Assuming all references have been added, insert all back references."
   "Assuming all references have been added, insert all back references."
   (loop [data data
   (loop [data data
-         formulas (walk-get-refs data #(= (first (:value %3)) "="))]
+         formulas (walk-get-refs data formula?)]
     (if (empty? formulas)
     (if (empty? formulas)
       (let [origin (first formulas)
       (let [origin (first formulas)
@@ -253,9 +260,9 @@
   (let [datum (dissoc (dissoc (get-in data [c r]) :dirty) :display) ; get rid of the dirty flag right away (it must be included with the returned data to have effect)
   (let [datum (dissoc (dissoc (get-in data [c r]) :dirty) :display) ; get rid of the dirty flag right away (it must be included with the returned data to have effect)
         refs (:refs datum)
         refs (:refs datum)
         value (:value datum)
         value (:value datum)
-        formula? (= (first value) "=")
+        formula (formula? value)
         resolved-refs (map #(merge % (get-in data [(:col %) (:row %)])) refs)
         resolved-refs (map #(merge % (get-in data [(:col %) (:row %)])) refs)
-        evaluated-refs (map #(if (= (first (:value %)) "=") (:display %) (:value %)) resolved-refs)
+        evaluated-refs (map #(if (formula? (:value %)) (:display %) (:value %)) resolved-refs)
         invalid-refs (some nil? resolved-refs)
         invalid-refs (some nil? resolved-refs)
         dirty-refs (some :dirty resolved-refs)
         dirty-refs (some :dirty resolved-refs)
         error-refs (some #(= (:display %) :error) resolved-refs)
         error-refs (some #(= (:display %) :error) resolved-refs)
@@ -263,7 +270,7 @@
         cycle-refs (some #(= (:display %) :cycle-error) resolved-refs)
         cycle-refs (some #(= (:display %) :cycle-error) resolved-refs)
         disqualified? (or invalid-refs dirty-refs error-refs)]
         disqualified? (or invalid-refs dirty-refs error-refs)]
-      (false? formula?) (assoc-in data [c r] datum) ; if it's not a formula, then return as is (with the dirty flag removed)
+      formula (assoc-in data [c r] datum)           ; if it's not a formula, then return as is (with the dirty flag removed)
       cycle-refs (-> data                           ; if one of its references has a reference cycle, then this one is "poisoned" as well
       cycle-refs (-> data                           ; if one of its references has a reference cycle, then this one is "poisoned" as well
                      (assoc-in [c r] datum)
                      (assoc-in [c r] datum)
                      (assoc-in [c r :display] :cycle-error))
                      (assoc-in [c r :display] :cycle-error))

+ 0 - 41

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// to include an npm module/package into clojurescript:
-// to reduce the bundle size:
-import { parse, evaluate } from 'mathjs';
-function getVariables(expression) {
-    if( !expression || typeof expression !== 'string' ) {
-        console.log('not correct input', expression, typeof expression);
-        return [];
-    }
-    try {
-        const expressionObject = parse(expression);
-        console.log('now returning', expressionObject);
-        return expressionObject
-            .filter(x => x.isSymbolNode)
-            .map(x =>
-            .map(x => x.toUpperCase())
-            .filter(x => /^[A-Z]+[0-9]+$/.test(x));
-    }
-    catch(e) {
-        console.error('error in parsing or filtering for variables', e.message || e);
-        return [];
-    }
-function customEval(...args) {
-    try {
-        return evaluate(...args);
-    }
-    catch(e) {
-        console.error('error in evaluating expression', e.message || e);
-        return {error: e.message};
-    }
-window.mathjs = {parse, evaluate: customEval, getVariables};
