
minor cleanup, bugfix

Brandon Wong 4 年之前
共有 1 個文件被更改,包括 8 次插入38 次删除
  1. 8 38

+ 8 - 38

@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@
 (def parse-variables (memoize (fn [expression]
                                 (js->clj (.getVariables mathjs expression)))))
+(def evaluate-expressions (memoize (fn [expression variables]
+                                     (.evaluate mathjs expression (clj->js variables)))))
 (defn temp3 [[k v]]
   (let [w (name k)
         c (re-find #"^[A-Z]+" w)
@@ -85,26 +88,23 @@
                                                 :else [% 0]
                                                 )) x)) vars)
           parsed (zipmap (keys remaining) evaluated-vars)
-          ready-or-not (group-by (fn [[ k v ]] (some #(not= :not-yet (last %)) v)) parsed)
+          not-ready (group-by (fn [[ k v ]] (some #(= :not-yet (last %)) v)) parsed)
           ;TODO: detect circular references
-          prepared (map (fn [[k v]] [k (.evaluate mathjs (remaining k) (apply js-obj (flatten v)))]) (ready-or-not true))
+          prepared (map (fn [[k v]] [k (evaluate-expressions (remaining k) (apply hash-map (flatten v)))]) (not-ready nil))
           new-evaluated (reduce conj evaluated prepared)
-          still-remaining (apply hash-map (flatten (map #(list (key %) (remaining (key %))) (ready-or-not nil))))
-          ;merged (map temp3 prepared) ;TODO: only merge after recursion is complete (outside this function)
-          ]
+          still-remaining (apply hash-map (flatten (map #(list (key %) (remaining (key %))) (not-ready true))))]
       ;remaining ; {:B8 B7 * 2, :C7 D1, :B7 C5 + D6}
       ;vars ; ([B7] [D1] [C5 D6])
       ;remaining-vars ; {:B8 [B7], :C7 [D1], :B7 [C5 D6]}
       ;parsed ; {:B8 ([B7 :not-yet]), :C7 ([D1 0]), :B7 ([C5 269] [D6 4065])}
-      ;ready-or-not ; {nil [[:B8 ([B7 :not-yet])]], true [[:C7 ([D1 0])] [:B7 ([C5 269] [D6 4065])]]}
+      ;not-ready ; {true [[:B8 ([B7 :not-yet])]], nil [[:C7 ([D1 0])] [:B7 ([C5 269] [D6 4065])]]}
       ;prepared ; ([:C7 0] [:B7 4334])
       ;still-remaining ; {:B8 B7 * 2}
       ;evaluated; TODO: change name, consider putting "data" directly in here
       (recur new-evaluated still-remaining)
-    )
-  )
+    ))
 ;TODO: figure out how to re-evaluate only when the cell modified affects other cells
 (defn re-evaluate-data []
@@ -164,36 +164,6 @@
 (defn app []
    [:h3 "Microtables"]
-   #_(do
-     (println (.stringify js/JSON (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))
-     (println (js->clj (.parse js/JSON (.stringify js/JSON (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))))
-     (println (type (js->clj (.stringify js/JSON (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))))
-     (println (js-obj "a" 2 "b" "one"))
-     (println (type (js-obj "a" 2 "b" "one")))
-     (println (type (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))
-     (println (.log js/console (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))
-     (println (.keys js/Object (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))
-     (println (js->clj (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))
-     (println (js->clj (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x") :keywordize-keys true))
-     (println (.-op (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))
-     (println (.-fn (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))
-     (println (js->clj (.-args (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x"))))
-     (println (.-comment (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))
-     (println (.-implicit (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))
-     (println (.-value (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))
-     (println (second (.-args (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x"))))
-     (println (.-implicit (second (.-args (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))))
-     (println (.-op (second (.-args (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))))
-     (println (.-fn (second (.-args (.parse mathjs "3 + 4x")))))
-     (println (.evaluate mathjs "3 + 4x" (js-obj "x" 10)))
-     (println (filter #(not= (first (:value %)) "=") @data-atom))
-     (let [rt (temp1 @data-atom)]
-       (do
-         (println rt)
-         (println (temp2 (:evaluated rt) (:remaining rt)))))
-     (println "data-atom")
-     (println @data-atom)
-     "hi")
    [sheet @data-atom]])
 ;; -------------------------