Brandon Wong e10d728a8d empty project, frontend and backend преди 4 години
env e10d728a8d empty project, frontend and backend преди 4 години
public e10d728a8d empty project, frontend and backend преди 4 години
src e10d728a8d empty project, frontend and backend преди 4 години
.gitignore e10d728a8d empty project, frontend and backend преди 4 години
LICENSE e10d728a8d empty project, frontend and backend преди 4 години e10d728a8d empty project, frontend and backend преди 4 години
project.clj e10d728a8d empty project, frontend and backend преди 4 години

Development mode

To start the Figwheel compiler, navigate to the project folder and run the following command in the terminal:

lein figwheel

Figwheel will automatically push cljs changes to the browser. Once Figwheel starts up, you should be able to open the public/index.html page in the browser.


The project is setup to start nREPL on port 7002 once Figwheel starts. Once you connect to the nREPL, run (cljs) to switch to the ClojureScript REPL.

Building for production

lein clean
lein package